Testing your recipes is an important part of preparing your cookbook. In our case, we were writing recipes for the sample content to be included in our book proposal. Sample content is usually expected to be around 10 pages and can be a single chapter or a collection of demonstrative recipes. We needed to go with the later approach as we haven't yet concluded our year of research in Chile.
Here are some informal photos of the recipe testing that we did while working on our book proposal:
Here are our planning notes. We wanted to make sure that our sample content featured a variety of plates and styles. We set a goal of testing and writing 10-12 recipes for the proposal. We opted to go with family favorites that we had a lot of experience in reproducing. These favorites will most definitely be a part of our cookbook and most of these we knew by heart. The trick was translating what was in our brains and hands into instructions on paper that anyone could follow to recreate our favorite dishes.
Pollo Arvejado con papa rellenas con mozarella y ensalada Chilena [Translation: Chicken with peas, potatoes stuffed with mozarella, and Chilean Salad. Recipe included here! Yum!]
Making Pan Amasado - bread made by hand.
The bread always looks a little different but man, is it good!
Ta da! The finished sandwich! Chilean Chacarero made with Pan Amasado.
Making the Caldillo de Juan, a mussel-based stew.
Beautiful with a garnish of chopped cilantro. Served in the traditional clay bowls of Chile.
Olivia knows just how good she's got it.
Making the filling for the Empanadas Patagonicas, a variation of the basic Empanada del Horno.
These are truly delightful little packages of deliciousness!
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